Sunday, January 13, 2013

Back in the swing of things. :)

So, after the craziness of Program preparation and practicing and practicing and practicing and practicing... you get the picture, it almost feels like a break to get back to normal. Now my job is back to teaching kids to love and appreciate music by showing them how much I love and appreciate music! :) (Not too bad of a job, I have to say). I mean, what person can say that they get paid to walk around a classroom with kids acting like a train, sing a song about random animals where a hippopotamus says "bookadoo", sing directions, dance around to Irish music, etc... :) Constantly I have to remind myself how much joy that I can give and receive at my job. It is only when I get overwhelmed with the nitty gritty details and discipline that I lose my joy. The days when I live in the moment, have lessons planned, and then give the rest to God are usually just amazing days, when I leave work fulfilled and filled with joy.

I am also excited because I have come up with plans for "Units" for the rest of the year to help this incredibly unorganized woman begin to organize her lessons and classroom :)  (since I do not have a curriculum, which is good and bad at the same time)

Here are my ideas (if you know of any activities, songs, stories that go along with any of these, PLEASE share!! :)  or if you have any ideas to expand upon each unit, I am open for ideasm very open!

K- Fun Folk Songs 
1st Animal Themes
I Bought Me a Cat
2 Multicultural Unit 
    • Spain
      • Start with Spanish song (Aqui) 
      • Talk about the various instruments and way of singing
    • Germany
      • Teach them Alle Meine Entchen 
    • Ireland 
      • Lesson on a Simple Irish Folk song melody 
      • Teach them a little Irish Dance 
- African 
3rd Grade-- 
Theory (have them do a little quiz to see where they are before we have recorders) 
Beginning Recorders -- basic, GAB, with many songs on these 3 notes 
4th Grade-- RECORDERS 
Playing for belts, learning notes, rhythms, dictating rhythms… 
5th Grade-- Music History    ( The very nerdy side of me is super excited about this! - I absolutely LOVE Music HIstory!!:) 
Jan- Before Medieval
- Greek Theater Lessons :) 
- Chant (cont. the lesson plans I was doing for Chant) 
Feb- Medieval
March- Baroque
April- Classical
May- Romantic 
Jan- Piano unit 
Playing the Paper keyboards and learning a little about scales and chords in the process

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