I think one of the most significant mindset changes for me that occurred as my faith was and is strengthened is the joy of experiencing God's hand in my life. There are so many things that occur that many people would simply call "coincidences" but that I like to call "God-incidences". All those times that just the perfect song comes on for the moment or the thought that had been going through your head, God just placing people in the perfect spot at the perfect time...
This past weekend I had an AMAZING blessing to visit with a friend from BC and to see my sister Becca, who is a wonderful NET missionary. So, yesterday I spent the entire day with Becca and I had the very uncommon experience of meeting her entire NET team! Girls told me on her team how it is very special and almost unheard of that a family member gets to meet a whole team. Becca and I went to the NET center and randomly ran into each of her NET "brothers" and her team leaders and supervisors as well. It was such a blessing to meet all these amazing people that God has placed in Rebes' life. Another God-incidence is the fact that my friend Sarah just happened to live in Minneapolis and so it just worked out perfectly!
Life is so joy-filled when we can look at each moment and see God's hand in some way, especially those special times that things just happen :) God is good!
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